The kingdom of swaziland is gearing up to celebrate 48 years of independence on the 6th of September. KFC Swaziland is inviting the Swazi nation to participate in this exciting KFC Lihiya Style Celebration, #SwenkaNgelihiyaLakho, showcasing creative and fashionable styling of the Swazi lihiya as a way of celebrating independance day.
The KFC Lihiya Style Celebration trends on social media as #SwenkaNgelihiyaLakho. Consumers can showcase fresh and fun ways of wearing their Lihiya as a celebration. The promotion will be driven mainly through the Whatsapp platform. From the 28th August 2016, KFC KFC Lihiya Style Promotion is inviting all consumers to be part of this fun and interactive promotion.
All they have to do is take a selfie with family or friends to show how versatile the Lihiya can be worn in order to be part of the promotion. Selfies can be sent through a dedicated Whatsapp Number 7847 8999 to stand a chance to win. Only the best quality pictures will be selected and consumers have unlimited opportunities to submit their entries from 28th August – 11 September 2016.
KFC is giving away 48 Family treat meals to the best 48 pictures recieved during the promotion. Winners will be part of the independence print advert that will run for the duration of the promotion, 30 September 2016.